“Only A Day” is a story of a new-born Dayfly who has only a day to live.
Since she doesn’t know this fact, her very new friends Fox and Wild Boar are very much hesitant about telling her the truth. After some misunderstandings, Dayfly believes that Fox has only a day to live. So, she dedicates her day (her only day) to Fox to make him happy.
How should we spend our life time?
Is the death end of the life?
Or is it just part of it?
Written by Martin Baltscheit
Translated from German to English by David Henry Wilson
Translated from English to Turkish by Erkan Uyanıksoy
Translation Supervised by Ayşe Selen
Directed by Güray Dinçol
Performed by Firuze Engin, Elif Temuçin, Erkan Uyanıksoy, Sinan Berksöz
Music Composed by Doğu Can & Sinan Berksöz
Stage and Costumes Designed by Lucile Larour & Matthies Michael Stetter
Light Designed by Doğu Akal
Make-Up Designed by Ülkü Şahin
Photographed by Yasin Almaz
Poster Designed by Özgür Doğan
Special Thanks to Çadır Stüdyo and Pınar Akkuzu
Duration 50 minutes
Age Group 8+
Premiere 20 October 2016, Bursa